Ethic Code

The purpose of this code of ethics is to establish clear standards of ethical conduct for the Economy and Contemporary Society journal and to ensure that all parties involved in the publication process adhere to these standards. The principles and guidelines outlined in this code of ethics apply to our editorial board, reviewers, and authors.

Editorial Responsibilities

The editors are responsible for ensuring the integrity and quality of the publication process. Editors are expected to make objective and fair decisions regarding the acceptance, rejection, or revision of manuscripts, based on the scientific merit of the research and the relevance to the journal’s scope and mission. Editors should also ensure that the publication process is conducted in a timely and efficient manner, and that all parties involved in the process adhere to the journal’s ethical guidelines.

Conflict of Interest

Our journal requires all parties involved in the publication process to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their objectivity or impartiality. Any conflicts of interest will be managed or resolved through recusal or disclosure, and decisions will be made with the aim of maintaining the highest standards of objectivity and fairness.

Plagiarism and Originality

The journal takes a strong stance against plagiarism and any other form of academic misconduct. We require that all authors submit original work that has not been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. All sources must be properly cited and attributed, and any instances of plagiarism or academic misconduct will be thoroughly investigated and handled according to our editorial policies and guidelines.


Authors are responsible for accurately acknowledging and describing their contributions to the work, and for ensuring that all co-authors have agreed to the final version of the manuscript.

Data Integrity and Reproducibility

Our journal requires that all data presented in submitted manuscripts is accurate, complete, and reproducible. We encourage authors to make their data and methods available to other researchers to facilitate the replication and verification of their findings. We also encourage authors to provide clear and detailed descriptions of their research methods, assumptions, and limitations to enable readers to assess the validity and reliability of their research.

Reviewer Responsibilities

Our journal follows the principles and standards of peer review, which include confidentiality, objectivity, and constructive criticism. We select peer reviewers based on their expertise in the relevant field, and we strive to ensure that all manuscripts are reviewed in a timely and fair manner. We require that all peer reviewers disclose any potential conflicts of interest and that they provide constructive feedback that is aimed at improving the quality of the manuscript.

We expect reviewers to conduct their reviews in a professional and ethical manner. Reviewers are expected to provide constructive feedback that is aimed at improving the quality of the manuscript, and to identify any potential flaws or limitations in the research. Reviewers should also alert the editor if they suspect any form of misconduct or if they have any conflicts of interest that could influence their objectivity. Reviewers should also provide a balanced and objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript, and avoid making unfounded or personal attacks on the authors.

Our journal expects reviewers to complete their reviews in a timely and responsible manner. Reviewers should inform the editor immediately if they are unable to complete the review within the agreed-upon timeframe, or if they require additional information or clarification from the authors.


We take the privacy and confidentiality of our authors and reviewers very seriously. We will not disclose any confidential information, including the identities of reviewers or the contents of unpublished manuscripts. We require that all parties involved in the publication process maintain the strictest confidentiality, and that they do not share any confidential information with unauthorized individuals.

Fairness and Diversity

The journal is committed to promoting fairness and diversity in the publication process. We expect all parties involved in the publication process to treat each other with respect and professionalism, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic. We also encourage authors to consider the potential impact of their research on different populations and to strive for inclusivity and equity in their research design and findings.


The Economy and Contemporary Society journal is committed to promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct in scientific research and publication. We will uphold the principles and guidelines outlined in this code of ethics, and we expect all parties involved in the publication process to adhere to these standards. By doing so, we aim to foster a culture of integrity and accountability in scientific research and publication.