Volume 19/2010
Diagnosis of the organizational climate as means of communication management
Authors: Doru N. COJOCARU, Constantin STOICAN
Abstract: Organizational climate, as form of manifestation of the management of the communication, gives birth to the idea that the management of communication represents the link vector between the formulation of the organization’s objectives and the adoption of decisions, fulfilling in the same time the roles of diagnosis and monitoring of the organizational climate and of intervention for the increase of adaptability and efficiency of the organization. The organizational climate, described through the affective, cognitive, attitude and conduct components of a collective or labor group (of S.C. ALUCO S.R.L.) is connected to the general management of the organization – the quality of the actions taken for the insurance of normal physical and social environment conditions, the way of constitution and the structure of the microlabor groups, the quality of the labor relations, the system of labor evaluation, the improvement and promotion of harmony between the members of the collective, as well as the style and methods of management etc. This entire mechanism is mediated through organizational communication studied through its basic purpose – solving certain problems which would prevent the performance of the basic functions of the organization. In this way, the communication environment is approached as support of the organizational conduct, and through the diagnosis of the organizational climate the evaluation of the management of communication is considered, as an expression of the general management.
Keywords: management; communication; organizational climate; performance assessment
Pages: 5-26 | Full text
The Treaty of Lisbon and its consequences for rural development and sustainable tourism: A case study from Romania
Authors: Gabriela OANŢĂ, Francesco SINDICO
Abstract: With the entrance into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009, the European Union (EU) has now more tools to deal with a scenario of 27 Member States with specific regional characteristics and different needs in the fields of rural development and sustainable tourism. An important incentive to sign the Lisbon Treaty on 13 December 2007 was the accession to the EU of twelve Central and European countries in recent years. Romania is one of these States. This country has a huge touristic potential and, at the same time, is one of the poorest EU Member State. Against this background, this paper will examine, firstly, the Lisbon Treaty novelties on rural development and sustainable tourism, paying special attention to the new Policy created specifically for tourism; secondly, it will address the EU legislative and policy frameworks in these two fields and the financial instruments that Romania is entitled to and that it could use to promote rural development and tourism; and thirdly, the paper will focus on the Romanian regulation on rural development and sustainable tourism in order to critically assess the extent to which rural development and tourism have been linked at a domestic level. The final goal of the paper is to assess whether Romania is provided with the necessary legal tools to take a strategic decision about how to develop its rural areas through, amongst other factors, tourism.
Keywords: Treaty of Lisbon; Romania; rural development; sustainable tourism
Pages: 27-41 | Full text
Problematic assessment and evaluation of small enterprises
Author: Mario G. R. PAGLIACCI
Abstract: The philosophy of rating in Basel 2 principles is to evaluate the probability of default (PD) of the single enterprise; nevertheless it is attested that the assessment must exceed traditional quantitative approach based on the balance sheet analysis. The triangular approach posed by Basel 2 represents a significant progress in comparison with traditional quantitative methodologies, and it could be a good premise in order to appreciate the systemic value of enterprises – especially small ones.
Keywords: assessment; evaluation; small enterprise; banking system; Basel 2
Pages: 43-50 | Full text
Pour une stratégie touristique commune en Afrique Centrale (For a common tourism strategy in Central Africa)
Author: Catherine Lytrice AKAMBA MANI
Abstract: The Central Africa region, located in the Gulf of Guinea has significant tourist resources in terms of both nature and culture. This potential allows indeed, the practice of different forms of tourism: rural, urban, ecotourism, business and mountain or nature tourism. Unfortunately, these touristic attractions are ignored and under-exploited, as each country is managing its touristic activity. Nevertheless, tourism is a deposit of revenues in foreign exchange and employment, and it is also a tool in the fight against poverty. If there was an appropriate tourism policy of the sub-region, this sector would be better. The aim of this study is to present a common tourism strategy for the countries of Central Africa.
Keywords: touristic strategy; Central Africa; common tourism policy
Pages: 51-60 | Full text
Une approche transnationale pour résoudre les problèmes de développement en Afrique Centrale. Le cas de l’INICA (A transnational approach in resolving development problems in Central Africa: The case of INICA)
Authors: Hilaire NKENGFACK, Violeta PUŞCAŞU
Abstract: In Central Africa we often see delays and / or failures of initiatives with supranational character (CEMAC CEFDHAC, ECCAS, etc) referring to the implementation of development projects and in the resolution of various conflicts. Thus a new tool for the resolution of transnational dispute has been devised and implemented in 2004 to mark the regional dimension in the resolution of many common conflicts between Central African populations: it is the Initiative for Central Africa (INICA).
Keywords: Central Africa; conflict; transnational dispute; CEMAC CEFDHAC; ECCAS; INICA
Pages: 61-68 | Full text
Le lac Tchad – enjeux de cooperation sous-regionale (Lake Tchad: Stakes of sub-regional cooperation)
Author: Paul AHIDJO
Abstract: Historically, the rivers and lakes have ordered the activities of human societies. Africa has a vast hydrological network that produces immense resources and promotes the development on a global scale. Lake Chad is one of the largest lakes on the continent. The presence of this lake between Central Africa and West Africa alongside the Desert of Sahara raises the object of attraction for people beset by environmental crises. People living on the resources of the lake practice fishing, agriculture, livestock and trade. The idea of joint management of ecosystem resources has pushed countries in the region to create a body: The Commission of the Lake Chad Basin (CLBC). From the era of great empires, the control of resources in the basin Chadian has raised the appetite for war of the rulers. Diminishing resources of the basin together with the climatic changes led to territorial expansion ambitions on the land above water. The aim of this work is to show how Lake Chad is subject to geopolitical stakes between collaboration and confrontation.
Keywords: Lake Tchad; stake; cooperation; conflict; region
Pages: 69-78 | Full text
Sustainable tourism in Northwestern Alps: Winter sports impact on pasture lands
Authors: Michele FREPPAZ, Gianluca FILIPPA, Angelo CAIMI, Ermanno ZANINI
Abstract: Tourism has many potential benefits for rural areas, being an important source of jobs for nonmetro communities, especially for those that are economically underdeveloped. The traditional use of lands in mountain regions is combined nowadays with surfaces devoted to recreational activities because of increasing tourist demand for winter sports. Winter-based ski tourism is a major human use of many mountain regions, with large-scale ski resorts in Europe, Asia, North and South America, New Zealand and Australia. The Alps have become increasingly developed to cater to tourist activities beginning in the ‘50s. This was partly an outcome of traditional practices (livestock, agriculture, forestry), which were unable to generate enough income to maintain farms and the social structure. As with many human activities, the development of winter sport resorts may impact mountain landscapes and environments. In general, ski run construction and management have a great impact on the soil properties and other environmental factors, sometimes influencing traditional rural activities such as the management of pasture lands. Therefore, it could be recommended that environmental goals in ski resort management should be established and respected. In particular, we recommend carefully recording the vegetation and soil characteristics in a specific area before any intensification of use as ski slope, and complete avoidance of areas with soil and vegetation of particularly high conservation value.
Keywords: ski slope; grazing; soil; winter tourism
Pages: 79-93 | Full text