
Volume 20/2011: Issue 1

Epistemic analysis of methods using elementary triangular fuzzy numbers with associated indicators

Author: Ciprian Ionel ALECU

Abstract: The current scientific research is characterized by an advanced specialization, emphasis on increasing fragmentation of research topics. In these conditions, the most results have a low degree of comparability and complexity of the subject studied is drastically reduced. In this paper we propose an epistemic approach of the main methodologies for the quantification using triangular fuzzy numbers, emphasizing the possibilities of knowing the limits and influences entailed by the use of current techniques and the theoretical contingencies. By using indicators of centers of weight associated to fuzzy number, we try to bring into question, through a multidisciplinary approach, the new possibilities of develop and complete the portfolio of instruments which can be used for decision-making.

Keywords: triangular fuzzy number; center of weight indicator associated with fuzzy number; decision-making

Pages: 5-12 | Full text

Conceptual delimitations regarding the terminology used in the methods of investigating the future paper title

Authors: Ciprian Ionel TURTUREAN, Iuliana SPIRIDON, Carmen PINTILESCU, Dănut Vasile JEMNA

Abstract: The authors propose the conceptual delimitation regarding the terminology used in the methods of investigating the future on the basis of a set of 7 variables. To this end, the hierarchical clusters’ method will be used. The outcome of the research will be presented under the form of some clusters of terms with homogeneous meanings, almost synonyms, that would constitute the conceptual delimitation of the terms.

Keywords: conceptual delimitation; anticipated future; cluster method

Pages: 13-20 | Full text

Bridging knowledge to the market: An innovative approach for an innovative development


Abstract: We live in a world of constant development, growth, innovation and changing needs and nonetheless cultural habits. How to sustain this constant change and how to adapt to globalisation, technological change and constant creativity and innovativeness of key human resources inside larger corporations as well as knowledge institutions is answering the concept of corporate entrepreneurship, new ventures and academic spinoff creation. Article will show the trend in the field of new venture and academic spin-off creation, involving human and social capital as key success factors. Barriers and innovative solutions will be presented on how to overcome the issue of lacking cooperation between academia and industry. Relevant best practices and experiences will be presented to be discussed as opportunities that can find the place in the already existing mstrengths of Slovenia and its entrepreneurial development and regional growth.

Keywords: academic spin-off; early-stage financing; knowledge-intensive region; knowledge-intensive Company; new venture

Pages: 21-27 | Full text

The present approaches of Slovak enterprises to sales in B to B market

Authors: Jaroslav KITA, Marta GROSSMANOVÁ, Pavol KITA

Abstract: The recent industrial enterprises in the territory of Slovakia are permanently facing the environment changes and rapid turns in their development cycle. The enterprises meeting the new challenges which result from the growing competition pressure, openess of markets and globalization make also the sales sphere present the proofs of real estimation of situation and dispose with the ability to gain and transform the existing customers of industrial enterprises to loyal partners. The requirements concerning the sales have changed due to the growing demanding character of of customers. The aim of the article is to characterize the selected dimensions of sales marketing and its development tendencies on the basis of the data got in the market research from the point of view of sales managers of industrial enterprises functioning in different branches. The article consists of two parts. The first part represents a theoretical framework of the sales problems. The second part is based on the research results in the sphere of production enterprises with the aim to better understand the customer-supplier relationship. This analysis enables us to identify the development tendencies of sales marketing.

Keywords: sales marketing; B to B market; customer–supplier relationship

Pages: 29-36 | Full text

Coping strategies: Modern solutions for increasing the efficiency of highly professionalized human resources

Author: Iulian MITUȚ

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the importance of coping strategies on the perception of occupational stress and staff satisfaction with the organization within a stressful environment like that of a military-type of organization. In the theoretical part of this study we have addressed the following issues: organizational usefulness of personal coping strategies in human resource streamlining process, the role of individual characteristics in coping development and the manner of designing / strategic use of the coping. The main objectives of this research are: 1) analyze the perception on occupational stress in the military employees depending in their coping skills development and 2) assess the impact of coping upon staff satisfaction with the organization. For this study we have used 60 subjects (executives in the same department) and organized them into two groups of 30 subjects each. For the first group we have held for one whole week daily training and coaching sessions on coping strategy design and application. Two weeks after the last training session, subjects of both groups were assessed by means of the occupational stress indicator, which has been adapted to the purpose and the environment covered by this research, with observations collected and analyzed in terms of frequency and correlation for each group. The comparative analysis of the observations obtained from the two study groups (trained and untrained) has revealed that the use of coping strategies will lower the intensity of personal and occupational stress while increasing satisfaction with the organization, leading to increased ability of the staff to concentrate and act. The study of coping skills in an occupational environment characterized by diversity of activities, extremely high expectations and the large size of the organization enables the formulation of conclusions regarding the influence of personal coping strategies on demanding and highly professionalized organizational environments.

Keywords: occupational stress; coping strategy; organizational crisis; human resource; professional efficiency

Pages: 37-48 | Full text

Impact on the fate of the Eurozone economy

Authors: Moise CÎNDEA, Gabriela CIURARIU

Abstract: Regarding the impact of EMU on euro area firms’ competitiveness and their capacity to play an important role in international markets, recent research indicates Euro contribution to increasing the competitiveness of firms by facilitating trade between countries in the eurozone and by promoting the single market integration EU. Euro zone countries are considered to be the best export base, attracting a larger number of companies from neighboring countries. Euro area enlargement and better integrate it, in addition to allowing firms to diversify their operations to lower marginal costs, also tend to be more closely associated with competition and thus a higher variety of products, higher productivity and lower prices.

Keywords: competitiveness; financial integration; market integration; foreign direct investment

Pages: 49-57 | Full text

Impact of global economic crisis on international and national turism

Authors: Gica Gherghina CULIȚĂ, Florentina MĂRGĂRIT

Abstract: The economic crisis is one of the most important events of the last period and it was felt in every economic sector of each country. Tourism, as an important sector of the economies, was affected too. Lack bugets made hole in the economy, population has dropped resigned and expensive trips or long vacations. Such revenues began to decline. We present in paper a top job of countries that have experienced crisis in the tourism sector, making the current fall in income to foreign tourists, but also a ranking of countries remaining interest news, such as France or Italy, which recorded continuously an explosive number of tourists. As for Romania, we could only appreciate how expensive it is a brand of tourism, lack of promotion originialitate and inadequate, making a comparison with the beauty of the country, which leaves the impression that there really are unique travels, wild places and experiences full satisfaction. We tried to outline all aspects of tourism attributes on global economic crisis, hoping to make it available on.

Keywords: tourism; global crisis; decrease; country; economic

Pages: 59-63 | Full text

Assuring company’s performance and financial equilibrium in the crisis context

Author: Dumitru BUCĂTARU

Abstract: This paper aims at highlighting the important role of the equity capital, on the one hand in achieving enough financial results, both for the compensation of the owners as expected and for the solid development of the company and, on the other hand, in ensuring a high protection against risks, especially against the risk of bankruptcy and also against the financial risk. The study which has been conducted highlights the fact that companies that have a high equity capital fulfill more successfully the two objectives of the company’s financial management compared to those that excessively resort to loans.

Keywords: company financial management; equity capital; profitability; financial risk; bankruptcy risk

Pages: 65-72 | Full text

Approach regarding the influence of business ethics on corporate governance

Author: Alexandru TRIFU

Abstract: We may affirm that there is a cost for those who choose to live ethically in the midst of a world where fraud, tampering, theft, industrial espionage, corruption, bribes, conspiracy, tax evasion, embezzlement and unfair competition proliferate. The issue of business ethics has gained great relevance today, not only from research or journals that have proliferated views on this subject, but also because the economic and business reality itself shows it almost daily in the media. Both from the political and economic perspective, social responsibilities, the headlines on benefits due to fraud, bribery, corruption, privileges, unfair competition, have had as a result in many European countries the claim that somehow a stop should be put to these problems, which have irrupted heavily for several decades. Business ethics need not be a brake on economic benefit of companies, but it gives the business organization, even by using an Ethical Code, the social legitimacy it needs to be able to operate on the natural and business environment. The attitude of a company’s senior management that reflects the observance of the business ethics both by the managers’ own actions and by the policies applied within the company, by the decisions that are made, and the tasks that are set, by the adopted policies and the way in which the disciplinary sanctions and regulations are highly important for a clear grasp of the role played by ethics in business and regarding the good functioning of an organization.

Keywords: ethics; fraud; management; social responsibility

Pages: 73-77 | Full text

Why foresight? The impact of resource consumption and technology on the ability to foresight the future

Author: Ciprian Ionel TURTUREAN

Abstract: In this article we attempt at providing evolution of the resource consumption (RC) which meets the needs of a modern society. In analyzing the impact of resources consumption and technologies to meets the needs, over the possibility of anticipating the future is necessary to establish patterns based on past information. On those information, we can say that RC evolution between the α and Ώ moments follows a logistic curve. Based on the graphic representation of the RC evolution, we can identify four different phases, with specific characteristics. Each phase will be the basis for building a pattern of RC evolution. For each of the four patterns we analytically present the risks of performing an exercise of future’s anticipation. The analysis indicates that currently, the forecasts lose representativeness and becomes less important compared with the foresight. The foresight, through its features, answers much better the needs to anticipate the future evolution of the society, compared to the forecast. Foresight exercises are offensive compared to the defensive nature of forecast exercises. The foresight exercise specialist is not just a spectator to the evolution of the phenomenon, as in the forecast’s case, but is involved in making and implementing decisions. Foresight exercises, although not able to generate accurate projections of the future, will help to correlate the current technologies with the future needs of society.

Keywords: resource consumption; technology; foresight; future foresight possibility

Pages: 79-85 | Full text

Changing organizational culture in terms of information and communication technologies

Authors: Gabriela BOLDUREANU, Daniel BOLDUREANU, Teodor PĂDURARU, Nicoleta NICULESCU

Abstract: Organizational change can be considered a genuine moment of evolution and development of the entire organization and decision of change is closely related to the company’s mission, the objectives that wish to achieve in order to ensure their competitive advantage. At the same time, information and communication technologies as well as growing competition, changes in both production methods and organizational structures of companies. New forms of organization and management models based on different concepts and skills involving clear needs of employees with new skills, new roles, behaviors and values. It appears, therefore, a new culture of the organization.

Keywords: organization; organizational culture; communication technology

Pages: 87-90 | Full text