
Volume 24/2015

Computational intelligence in environmental changes detection

Author: Silviu Ioan BEJINARIU

Abstract: Changes detection is helpful in determining strategies for natural resources management, environment monitoring, for urban development politics and also for natural disasters resilience and mitigation. Changes detection and monitoring involve the analysis of multi temporal data of different types, obtained from different sources, including common databases, aerial or satellite images and old printed topographical maps. In populated areas, the changes are easily observed and analyzed, but for inaccessible areas, like forested mountain areas, the automatic analysis based on remote sensing imagery is required. Also, some features of the land, like type of soil, land cover type or humidity, are not perceptible by the human eye, so, multispectral images must be used for an accurate analysis of the studied area. In this paper we propose a strategy for environmental changes detection based on multispectral images.

Keywords: change detection; image fusion; multispectral image; feature detection

Pages: 3-12 | Full text

Analysis of uncertainty in implementing a FES exoskeleton system using elementary fuzzy numbers

Author: Claudiu Sergiu HÂRTOPANU

Abstract: We intend to build a system for the rehabilitation of the upper limb in people who have suffered a stroke. This study shows an analysis of the uncertainty in developing a FES-Exoskeleton system using elementary fuzzy numbers. Uncertainty is a term that includes both negative and positive aspects, and that is why we can differentiate it from the risk.

Keywords: uncertainty; analysis; fuzzy number; method

Pages: 13-22 | Full text

Entrepreneurial potentialities in Europe: Italy in comparison to other countries

Author: Mario G. R. PAGLIACCI

Abstract: Entrepreneurship is an important driver of development, employment and productivity. Economic system in modern and developped countries is founded on a dynamic “entrepreneurial system”, where innovation plays the role of main driver of economy and society. First part of the paper intends to analyze the structure of REDI index elaborated by a team of experts for measuring entrepreneurship in 125 macro-regions of European Union. This index has the objective of capturing differences in the quality of entrepreneurial activity, taking in account the different environmental factors. Second part of the paper is dedicated to a comparative analysis of the REDI index calculated for Italian macro-regions and Romanian ones. Finally, several on field researches are utilized in order to analyze the characteristics of Italian entrepreneurial situation.

Keywords: entrepreneurship; innovation; REDI index; entrepreneurial park; Italian human capital; Italian social capital; Italian creativity

Pages: 23-46 | Full text

Civil company and family–work harmonization

Author: Cristina MONTESI

Abstract: The problem of family-work harmonization is increasingly being debated at political, social, economic level because it is strategic for the future of both family and company. In fact from working conditions depends the ability to provide adequate household income, along with a good quality of life for all its members (even though family economic well-being is not very often associated to family happiness). The benefits of happy families are reflected in turn also on the growth of a given territory, because families (primary social capital) contribute to collective social capital (secondary social capital), which is strategical for the development of an area. Then it is important that companies undertake, in a way consistent with their own financial and organizational resources, the creation of corporate welfare, serving as a bridge between business and family and helping the harmonization of the two spheres and the recomposition of their complicated relationship.

Keywords: family–work harmonization; corporate welfare; civil company

Pages: 47-66 | Full text

Innovative activities of travel companies

Author: Gabriela BOLDUREANU

Abstract: The development of tourism was done predominantly through product innovation, process innovation, marketing and organizational innovations, new practices of human resources, new approaches to the tourist. Following inductive and deductive approach on innovative activities in tourism we concluded that regional, local and tourism companies in Romania must be oriented to the innovative products and services, which will attract new tourists and they will improve the economic performance of enterprises.

Keywords: innovation; innovation activity; tourism

Pages: 67-74 | Full text

Projects in heritage tourism development: An integrative approach

Authors: Irina Teodora MANOLESCU, Mioara BORZA

Abstract: It is not new that cultural tourism, based on heritage elements, represents a strategic orientation for the economies of many countries, including the emerging ones. The problem that prevalently occurs is the operationalization of this strategic direction and finding the most appropriate ways to generate sustainable initiatives in this field. For the touristic valorisation of the cultural heritage, extremely diverse projects are being initiated and supported. The success of these projects, seen in the light of the approach sustainability, is decisively determined by a series of correlated factors that can be customized for each project. Our approach is integrator and is based on the following information: the use of a multi-player model with the identification of the role and types of actions specific to each party involved; sequentiality, by taking into consideration the on-going stages of the project, the catalysts and their constraints; vertical integration, by analyzing in tandem the strategic, tactical and operational factors; the temporal comparative analysis by highlighting the evolution in time of the strategic pillars, the constraints and problems specific to the cultural tourism. Our study, based on a qualitative research, aims to highlight the catalysts and the main constraints in the operationalization of the development strategies of the cultural heritage tourism and the formulation of actions intended to support this process. The paper is structured as follows: highlighting in a comparative manner the strategic directions related to development of tourism sector, and especially for one of its branches – the cultural heritage, the main types of projects that sustain the development in this area, the analysis of relevant impact factors and the presentation of specific recommendations. The conclusions show the importance of a long-term, participative regulation framework in the touristic valorisation of heritage resources.

Keywords: strategy; project; resource; heritage tourism

Pages: 75-86 | Full text

Premises for creating the database and knowledge base of an expert system for dynamic management of renewable energy resources under uncertainty conditions


Abstract: The paper presents the concepts and methods for the design and generation of the database and knowledge base of an expert system aimed to help the manager to trigger optimal decisions to economic and technical problems in the field of renewable energy under uncertainty and risk conditions. The database structure, the necessary fields and the data sources for renewable and non-renewable energy sources and generators are presented. The structure of the knowledge base and some decision methods and techniques used by the inference engine in order to connect the database and the knowledge base for generation of an optimal decision are also depicted.

Keywords: renewable energy; database; knowledge base; expert system; dynamic management

Pages: 87-94 | Full text

HR systems within Romanian cultural context

Author: Carmen Claudia ARUȘTEI

Abstract: In order to prove the influence of human resource management on organizational performance the research in the field developed the construct of human resource system (HR system). Typologies have emerged as well as the questions like: which typology can predict best the organizational performance or which practices are implemented for each typology. This paper presents the most common HR systems and identifies the ones approached by two large organizations from Romania. The case study is focused on differentiation between employees’ groups and industry. Some cultural aspects are also introduced.

Keywords: HR system; typology; case study; cultural context; Romania

Pages: 95-104 | Full text

Characteristics of the labour market in Kosovo and Europe

Author: Artan HAZIRI

Abstract: The level of economic development of Kosovo is reflected in a delay of many economic parameters in place which results even in the strangulation of the labour market as the biggest challenge in Kosovo. Would not mind that the most worrying aspect of the labour market in Kosovo is the high unemployment rate which reflects the numerous problems in Kosovo society. The labour market in Kosovo was consistently followed by a different set of anomalies which have led to the raising concerns of the Kosovo population which are reflected not only by the unemployed, but also the active part of the population which in the absence of functioning of the collective contract, failure of unions, low average wage and a series of violations of workers’ rights more and more is undergoing development gap in the labour market. Kosovo is the highest rate of unemployment in the region which is around 50%. And when we consider the composition of contingent labour, such as very young population which annually makes contingent labour increases in parallel with this also increases the rate of demand for labour and immigration as the feature itself, then the approach should become much more serious. The statistical data show that unemployment is the highest in young persons (16-24 years), this age includes about 40% of the total number of unemployed. Also, the unemployment rate appears too high even to women though are not very active. Viewing these data mean that unemployment in Kosovo is mostly a long term and it is estimated that about 80% of the unemployed are long-term unemployed for more than 12 months. This condition appears as unemployment will remain for a long time the main challenges of the economy and society in general.

Keywords: unemployment; employment policy; work force; labour market; SOK

Pages: 105-113 | Full text

Using fuzzy numbers in factors evaluation development of livestock farms in North-East Romania

Author: Dan Constantin ȘUMOVSCHI

Abstract: The attention given to the cattle/ cow breeding and exploitation derives from the capacity of producing one of the most important and complex food: milk and dairy products. Generally, animal breeding and particularly, cattle breeding come with serious structural issues due to the excessive fragmentation of the property, low levels of productivity and last, but not least, to the high values recorded by the self-consumption within the farms. All these difficulties were mirrored by the dramatic decrease in the livestock registered between 1990 and 2013, from 6.3 million to merely 2 million cattle. However the dynamics of milk production recorded values inversely proportional to the livestock dynamics as the medium production obtained increased from 2.063 l per cow fed in 1990 to 3.529 l per cow fed in 2013.

Keywords: livestock farm; North-East Region; PEST analysis; fuzzy number; uncertainty analysis; global unit method; maximax method; Wald method

Pages: 114-127 | Full text