Volume 20/2011: Issue 2
Qualitative assessments and optimal decision under uncertainty using rectangular fuzzy numbers
Author: Ciprian Ionel ALECU
Abstract: In crisis situations, uncertainty emerges as a distinct phenomenon, in which case we face both the ineffectiveness of most theoretical models of decision-making and the inaccuracy and incompleteness of available information. It is therefore necessary to intensify theoretical efforts and to apply interdisciplinary approaches and transfers of methods in order to construct a set of procedures and techniques that should contribute to curbing this phenomenon in decision-making processes. The transition from the state of crisis to the state of opportunity becomes the ground on which technocratic, structural, cultural and political approaches make a difference in managing. The qualitative analysis of the level of uncertainty provides an optimal insight into the best management techniques and methods that may contribute to achieving development objectives under crisis conditions. To conduct such an assessment process, we propose the use of rectangular fuzzy numbers. In this paper, first we develop a personal analysis of the notion of rectangular fuzzy numbers with an associated variable center of gravity and specific mathematical operations. Our research continues by the theoretical and applicable development of the optimistic method (max-max).
Keywords: qualitative assessment; rectangular fuzzy number; optimistic method/max-max
Pages: 95-102 | Full text
Demographic transition and economic growth in Romania
Author: Dănuţ Vasile JEMNA
Abstract: In Romania, the phenomenon of demographic transition has been present since the second half of the last century, having certain features also met in the developed countries: the drop in fertility, the increase in life expectancy, the decrease in infant mortality. After 1990, the phenomenon of demographic transition has been emphasized by the effects of society’s transition from the communist model to the market one. Besides the two coordinates which are specific for the demographic transition, the drop of fertility and infant mortality, the demographic behaviour of Romania also presents features encountered only in the countries from the former communist bloc: the increase in mortality and decrease in natality, which have led to a negative natural growth, the registration of a negative migration increment, the decrease in nuptiality. All these have triggered the continuous population decline from one year to another and the accentuation of the phenomenon of demographic ageing. The crisis of demographic transition in Romania has important economic and social consequences, both in the present and in the future. The goal of this paper is to highlight the determinants of demographic transition in Romania and to assess its effects on economic development by means of an econometric model.
Keywords: demographic transition; fertility; infant mortality; economic growth; econometric model
Pages: 103-112 | Full text
Classifications of foresight methods
Author: Ciprian Ionel TURTUREAN
Abstract: Foresight exercises and programs are a formal process of applying a sequence of methods. Classification of these methods is useful to specialists, academics and practitioners, in choosing an appropriate mix of methods used in foresight process. In this article we take a brief review of the main classifications of methods of foresight. In the first part of the article are presented information on stages and generation of foresight processes. The author proposes a new definition of foresight and a new classification of foresight exercises according to a given goal. In second part are summarized the main simple classifications of the foresight methods used in literature. In the third part of the paper we will be presented three complex classifications of foresight methods. The article will conclude with a cluster grouping of the foresight methods based on their role in each stage of foresight and on the type of technique used.
Keywords: foresight; foresight phase; foresight generation; foresight method typology
Pages: 113-123 | Full text
Competence management
Author: Cătălina LACHE
Abstract: Competence management represents the main component of human resource planning in the contemporary age, and is viewed as integral to employment relations (Parlier, M., Masson A., 2004). It constitutes a relatively novel approach in human resource management and is simultaneously ambitious and demanding. The issue of competence must be tackled both from the standpoint of the organisation and also individually, at employee level (Merle, V., 2003). Competence is a dynamic notion, which must be approached at three levels: individual, collective and organisational (Dejoux, C.,2001). The article outlines the results and conclusions of a survey aimed at assessing competence-based approaches in 30 Romanian firms (based in the North East region), employing 11575 persons. The research was conducted during the period 1 March–15 April 2010.
Keywords: human resource; competence; career
Pages: 125-131 | Full text
China’s rare earth trade analysis
Author: Oana Maria STĂNCULESCU
Abstract: In current times, eco trend is promoted in all areas, therefore finding alternative energy sources is required. Most modern technology that does not harm the environment is based on different amounts of Dysprosium, Terbium, Neodymium, and so on. Solar panels, wind turbines, hybrid cars and many other electronics such as televisions are using such elements. Respecting the principles of free trade, countries such as Japan or the U.S. imported from China large quantities of rare earth to pursue technological progress. However, quantitative restrictions as export quotas imposed by this country stirred panic in the world, determining Chinese rare earths dependent countries to find other sources of supply, difficult to detect and at higher prices. China’s actions are viewed with suspicion globally, because are hiding the true goals that China would like to achieve, among which is to be the main exporter of technology, or to “tempt” largest companies specializing in technology on Chinese territory to be closer of the source of raw material. But is China’s trade with rare earths effective and profitable? Will China become in the next 15 years the greatest technological power?
Keywords: rare earth; power; technology; trade efficiency; cost effectiveness; trade term; quantitative restriction
Pages: 135-139 | Full text
Volunteering landmarks among college students
Authors: Florica ȘTEFĂNESCU, Claudia OSVAT
Abstract: The study addresses the issue of volunteering from the perspective of student participation in volunteer activities and the outcomes of such activities, in a faculty of social and human sciences. The paper is based on research literature and substantiates a research study among students of the aforementioned faculty. The conclusions summarize the results of the research and reflect the characteristics of student participation in volunteer activities, as well as the provisions necessary for the promotion of volunteer work among the youth.
Keywords: volunteering; student; activity; outcome; provision
Pages: 141-149 | Full text
Characteristics of pacient satisfaction
Authors: Daniel BOLDUREANU, Teodor PĂDURARU, Gabriela BOLDUREANU
Abstract: Satisfaction depends on the perceived performance of the product and the buyer’s expectations. Patients’ satisfaction is the trust built between doctor and patient and is perceived by the patient as a demonstration of skills in the field of health care provider. The concept of patients’ satisfaction involves a series of limitations, especially in that the patients’ satisfaction is subjective, taking less than concrete results. Thus appear the concept of patient dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction sources differ on the national and global levels.
Keywords: patient satisfaction; patient dissatisfaction; limitation
Pages: 151-154 | Full text
Integrated sustainable development and energy resource planning
Author: Virgiliu NICULA
Abstract: Integrated sustainable development of a country cannot be conceived and begun without considering in an intricate tandem environmental protection and economic development. No one can exist without a natural material support of the life he or she enjoys. All economic development plans must include environmental and human civilization’s protection implicitly. Integrated resource planning must be done in an absolutely judicious manner, so we can all leave as a legacy for future generations both a clean environment, as well as a healthy and prosperous human civilization.
Keywords: sustainable development; environmental protection; integrated resource planning; energy type; energy quality
Pages: 155-164 | Full text
Significance of institutions: Conceptual delimitations and typology
Author: Ioan POPESCU
Abstract: The specific achievements of recent economic theory in the analysis of institutions and alternative institutional structures implications on economic performance have created the possibility of building a core of institutional aspects for the economic research. Integrating research institutions in general economic horizon creates the possibility of reassessing disciplinary boundaries between social sciences. Also, we can expect reconciliation of the economic theory “imperialism” with the same trends, no less important, from other disciplines and fields of social analysis. Ultimately, social science analytical concern has its source, in fact, in the same framework of human action analysis and social phenomena resulting from its manifestation. Understanding human behavior and institutions mutuality, the economic and political implications of this interdependence, increased the importance of institutions and institutional analysis in economic theory.
Keywords: economic theory; institution analysis; economic performance; social analysis
Pages: 165-170 | Full text
Romanian consumer: From the communist-era brand to the capitalist-era brand
Authors: Adriana MANOLICĂ, Teodora ROMAN, Maria Andreea DĂMĂTĂR
Abstract: Before 1989, the brands have known a limited and imposed development. Along with the transition to capitalism, these brands have also undergone a transaction in the property of other persons (either natural or legal). The desire of new owners to positioning communist brands on the capitalist market involved adapting to new market rules. In order the products be promoted, creative ideas that change the original image products have been proposed. There have been changes in the packaging, slogan or even name of the product. The attempts of rehabilitation and placement of brands in the new socio-economic context have shown that several features acquired by the product during the communist period contribute to the product pulse of life, and denying them would mean failure of the product. Marketers have noticed some behavioral trends manifested in a capitalist economy by the consumer who in the past has experienced the communist regime. They talk about the existence of a nostalgic feeling of the people who lived in a communist regime. Such a nostalgic feeling makes the consumer to choose (from a wide variety of offers available for a category of products) particularly the product used during the communist era, due to the memories that are related to that product. Demonstrating the influence of nostalgia on customers consumptional behavior provides an important resource that can be exploited by marketers in the product marketing strategies.
Keywords: communist-era brand; capitalist-era brand; nostalgic consumer
Pages: 171-177 | Full text
International trade of the European Union’s countries: A comparative analysis
Author: Elena Daniela VIORICĂ
Abstract: This paper’s main objective is to comparatively identify the groups of EU countries that have similar characteristics regarding the international trade performance indicators, for 2007, before the economic crisis burst, and 2009, the lowest point of the economic crisis, when the international trade suffered the most important decline in export’s volume according to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) report on International Trade in 2010. Using the factorial analysis, we construct an international trade map for 2007 and 2009, and we evaluate the differences between the two moments and define profiles for the aforementioned years. The paper is structured into 2 main parts. The first part deals with the data and methodology used, and in the second part we present the analysis to which we identify the similar groups of countries in terms of international trade performance and, then,we present the 2007 and 2009 trade profiles based on the international trade statistics provided by the main specialised institutes.
Keywords: international trade; EU country; factor analysis; economic crisis
Pages: 179-187 | Full text
Perspectives of the implementation of health accounts related to health and safety at work, part of the national system accounts in Romania
Author: Carmen Luiza COSTULEANU
Abstract: The primary goal of this paper is the current state and prospects of implementation of satellite accounts in National Accounts System in Romania to meet certain specific needs in terms of data, in line with EU requirements, namely the Regulation (EC) no. 2223/96 of the Council from June 25th 1996 on the European System of National and Regional Accounts in the Community (OJ L 310, 30.11.1996), as amended (1998-2009). This regulation basically refers to specific information relevant and provided at EU level: analysis of the role of tourism in national economy; cost analysis and financing of healthcare; analyzing the importance of research and development and of human resources for the national economy; analysis of revenue and expenditure of households; analyzing the household production; analyzing the interaction between economy and environment; evolution analysis of the welfare; the differences between national accounts and business accounts; estimation of tax revenues; social economy; and natural resources.
Keywords: System of National Accounts of Romania; satellite account; health account; health and safety at work
Pages: 189-193 | Full text
Strategic planning and promotion of the South-East Region tourism at national and international level
Authors: Gica Gherghina CULIȚĂ, Florentina MĂRGĂRIT
Abstract: The world is changing. World economy tends to steady state and all activities designed to preserve the qualities of current environment, sustainable development. Rural tourism and agro-tourism is one way of achieving this goal and it is relatively easy. Therefore, in this paper we argue the importance of the rural tourism for the Romanian economy, the opportunities for development and global recognition. All this because Romania is the country with the largest potential in Europe in terms of rural tourism development, both as an important source of income for investors and for the country’s budget. Therefore, at present, increasingly more people with entrepreneurial spirit and began to glimpse the potential benefits of practicing rural tourism. Existing supply is now quite varied, from the types of accommodation to location. But there are a few things missing from the landscape, to make rural tourism in Romania can become what can and deserve.
Keywords: rural tourism; tourism promotion; sustainable development; crisis effect
Pages: 195-198 | Full text
Mergers and acquisitions in the current economic context
Authors: Gabriela CIURARIU, Moise CÎNDEA
Abstract: Mergers and acquisitions are rather the result of strategic processes in a determined sector rather than individual actions of some companies. The main benefits of the merger are related to strengthening market position, reducing margins and increasing competitive pressures (often to the detriment of consumers). The main reason to resort to this type of transaction is the objective, namely increasing company value and hence shareholder wealth.
Keywords: business combination; competitive advantage; acquisition integration
Pages: 199-202 | Full text