
Volume 29/2024

Digital technologies and their use for the development of cultural heritage in Europe and Romania: Advantages and disadvantages

Authors: Alina Cristina NICULESCU, Cristi FRENȚ

Abstract: The Internet and the digital applications are now part of our daily lives. Digital technologies have become essential to work, to learn, to socialize, to be able to access various products and services (for business, for entertainment, for cultural tourism, for education, for health, etc.). The evolution of new technologies has generated significant changes in all fields, which has led to an increasing awareness of the importance of the role that technological progress has in today’s economy. Similarly, technological developments have opened up new possibilities for the digitization of cultural heritage, especially for the purpose of its conservation, restoration, research, but also for the purpose of expanding the online access and for its reuse by tourists. In response to the current digital challenge, this article aims to debate the issue of the use of digital technologies in cultural tourism (at European and national level), by presenting and analyzing some recent statistics in this field. At the same time, the ways in which digital tools can contribute or not to the development of cultural heritage will be researched, in order to identify the advantages and disadvantages that may arise from the online exposure of cultural resources. In this way, the data presented will capture both the positive characteristics, but will highlight, at the same time, the existing vulnerabilities and risks, in order to be able to evaluate the consequences of technological progress in the field of cultural tourism.

Keywords: digital technologies; cultural tourism; statistics; advantage; disadvantage

Pages: 11-28 | Full text

Functional illiteracy: Barrier to the sustainable development of Romania – Republic of Moldova cross-border area

Authors: Mariana BĂLAN, Carmen UZLĂU

Abstract: Amid computer science advancements, a major problem many states deal with is, paradoxically, functional illiteracy. This phenomenon accounts for socio-educational and economic problems of contemporary society that, if unsolved, in the medium and long term, can have serious effects on the future development of societies. The prevention and fight against functional illiteracy require specialized mobilization, on multiple sectors. On the PISA 2022 performance scale, the share of students with low performance in basic skills remains high, 42% for Romania and 44.3% for the Republic of Moldova (among the highest in the European Union). If the European Union is aiming to lower the functional illiteracy rate among 15-year-olds to below 15% by 2020, Romania and the Republic of Moldova are far from such an ambitious target. Both countries are aiming to lower this rate to 25% by 2030. In this context, a large part of future generations in the two countries are functionally and socially illiterate due to the lack of primary education, which will be a catastrophe for the labour market, businesses and economy in the future. We present a brief analysis of the functional illiteracy characteristics in Romania and in the Republic of Moldova among 15-year-old students. A comparative analysis of the functional illiteracy rates of students in the two countries, considering the PISA test in the period 2006–2022, was conducted, as well as of this phenomenon’s effects on the future development of these countries, in general, and on the cross-border area, in particular.

Keywords: ffunctional illiteracy; skill; education; socio-economic implication; sustainable development

Pages: 29-43 | Full text

The impact of fiscal decentralization on selected macroeconomic variables at the county level in Romania from 1999 to 2023

Author: Alina Georgeta AILINCĂ

Abstract: In addition to the information held at the national level, regional statistics can provide extremely valuable information regarding disparities at the local level. Thus, this paper explores the impact of fiscal decentralization on some important macroeconomic parameters at the subnational level. The article uses a panel econometric model to analyze the impact of fiscal decentralization on variables such as employment, nominal salary and gross added value at the county level in Romania in the period 1999–2023. We used the method of ordinary least squares and the techniques of extrapolation, interpolation, and Granger causality. The findings reveal that fiscal decentralization can improve certain parameters, but at the same time it must comply with certain conditions for a substantial effect at the local level. Beyond the need for a certain level of responsibility and local institutional autonomy, for a relevant impact, the decentralization process also requires a better correlation between the decentralization of local expenditures and revenues and an effective prioritization of objectives.

Keywords: fiscal decentralization; regional analysis; public performance

Pages: 44-60 | Full text

Development of bank payment systems in the digital economy of the Republic of Moldova

Authors: Stela CIOBU, Domnica TCACI

Abstract: Payment systems represent an integral part of the banking industry. In the modern world, convenience is essential and because of the increasing requirements of people towards reduced costs, faster processing period, increased security, and effortless operation process, digital banking is becoming more and more popular among population, constituting already a significant component of their lives, what can be explained with 65.3% of customers using online platforms for financial management and transactions. Credit cards, e-cash, internet, mobile, QR code, and e-check payments are few examples of payment methods that a closely associated with people’s daily lives nowadays. The efficient and secure operation of payment systems is essential not only for each individual separately, but also for the economy’s financial system overall performance. Thus, using robust payment systems is essential to maintain and enhance financial stability. In recent years, there has also been a significant breakthrough in the design of payment systems, especially with regard to the development and widespread adoption of systems that use real-time gross settlement. The object of the study is the development of bank payment systems in the context of digital economy in the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the research is the analysis of digital payment systems in the banks of the RM, pursuing the activities taken for the sustainable implementation of innovations in the field at national level, assuming the international practice.

Keywords: bank payment system; Central Bank; cyber security; digital economy; card payment; cashless transaction; fast payment; digital innovation; clearing and settlement

Pages: 61-81 | Full text

A review of economic data on the capitalization of agricultural goods from small-scale agricultural holdings in the Kingdom of Romania after 1918

Author: Sebastian DOBOȘ

Abstract: The economic effects of the First World War included various direct and indirect dimensions. The war resulted not only in material and human loss but also in significant restructuring of economic flows and mechanisms; further displacements and reorganizations arose from the new political and economic order established post-1918. Discussing the direct impact of the war as well as the economic fallout from the 1918 Union of the historical provinces of Romania is necessary in this specific instance. Historiographically, it is important to acknowledge that the immediate repercussions of the war have frequently been examined, whereas historians have typically avoided scrutinizing the economic ramifications of the “Great Union” and have been even less inclined to regard the war’s consequences as a cost of the 1918 Union. The significant endeavors to establish a state including all Romanian historical regions during the First World War were driven by national goals and should stay untainted by secondary economic factors. Historians` inclination to attribute the negative features to the conflict while deeming the positive ones as beneficial outcomes of the “Great Union” is, however, less legitimate. Had Romanian society and political entities not truly pursued the reunification of Romanian territory in Austria-Hungary with the “Old Kingdom”, Romania would not have engaged in the war in 1916. Therefore, we consider that it is justifiable to include the economic implications of the war as integral to the comprehensive assessment of the Union of 1918.

Keywords: economic history; economic data; Agrarian Reform of 1921; small-scale agricultural holding; capitalization of agricultural goods

Pages: 82-118 | Full text

Traditional architecture, a triggering factor for rural tourism development in Romania

Authors: Monica Maria COROȘ, Cristina Ioana BALINT

Abstract: Rural tourism has been identified as one of the most attractive types of tourism among Romania’s international visitors. Furthermore, the entire context generated by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the orientation of Romanian tourists towards remote destinations and small lodgings, located especially in rural destinations. Thus, new opportunities have been identified and capitalized upon by entrepreneurs in the hospitality sector. This paper is a research note that aims to highlight the development of a new niche on the Romanian rural tourism market. Namely, employing desk research methods, this paper focuses on identifying the destinations where new lodgings were developed making use of traditional houses, which were moved and rebuilt there. The main research question can be formulated as follows: Does rural authentic architecture contribute to the development of a qualitative offer of lodging services in rural areas, in line with the expectations of baby boomers and millennials?

Keywords: authenticity; traditional house; rural tourism; architectural heritage; baby boomer; millennial; Romania

Pages: 119-135 | Full text

Gastronomy museums as an element bringing forgotten values to light: A proposal for Sinop Province


Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to measure the gastronomy tourism potential of the province for the proposal of a gastronomy museum in Sinop. The sub-objectives of the research include designing a gastronomy museum specific to Sinop, determining the strengths of the gastronomy potential of the province, and ensuring that this potential is included among the gastronomy tour routes. At the same time, it is aimed to provide a perspective on the importance of opening a gastronomy museum in the city in terms of the sustainability of gastronomic values in Sinop. In this context, the study analyzes the gastronomic values of Sinop and how these values can be made sustainable. Within the scope of the research, the content analysis technique was used as a data collection method. The gastronomic richness of Sinop and the contribution of these richnesses to tourism potential were evaluated. In this way, it is aimed at developing strategies to increase the attractiveness of the province in terms of gastronomy tourism. As a result of these analyses, Sinop’s unique gastronomic richnesses and their contributions to tourism potential have been comprehensively evaluated. At the end of the study, strategies have been developed to increase the attractiveness of Sinop in terms of gastronomy tourism and to support sustainable tourism development. Suggestions include organizing local cuisine festivals, creating interactive and educational exhibitions within the gastronomy museum, branding local products, and increasing promotional activities. In addition, raising awareness and training local people and businesses about gastronomy and tourism are also among the suggestions. These strategies aim to maximize the gastronomy tourism potential of Sinop and contribute to the economic and cultural development of the province.

Keywords: gastronomy tourism; gastronomy museum; local food; culinary culture; Sinop

Pages: 136-153 | Full text

Evaluation of the rural tourism potential of a Taurus Highland: The case of Ağla, Köyceğiz


Abstract: Tourism is among the key sectors prioritised in both developed and developing countries due to its positive economic impact. However, the adverse environmental and socio-cultural impacts of mass tourism led to a growing interest in alternative forms of tourism. In this context, rural tourism, which is well suited to rural areas and offers various advantages in terms of environmental sustainability, is one of the most outstanding types of tourism. Located at an altitude of 800 meters, Ağla is a highland that maintains traditional rural characteristics in the Taurus Mountains in Türkiye. Alongside its natural beauty, Ağla stands out as an authentic rural area in Muğla due to its socio-cultural attributes dating back to ancient times. This study aims to evaluate the current status and potential of rural tourism in the Ağla Plateau in Muğla. Employing a qualitative research design, data were gathered through on-site observation and interviews. The data were subsequently analyzed using a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in relation to rural tourism. The findings were assessed with a focus on sustainable rural tourism development. It has been evaluated that the limitation of rural tourism entrepreneurship of the local people is one of the weaknesses, while original cultural events, especially the Mahya festival held in Ağla Highland, have the potential to create significant opportunities for the development of rural tourism. The study was concluded with the suggestion to similar destinations and practioners who give importance the sustainable development of rural tourism. In conclusion, it is recommended to give importance to rural tourism throughout the year by eliminating infrastructure deficiency, improving transportation facilities, improving accommodation and social facilities in Ağla, Köyceğiz.

Keywords: tourism; rural development; rural tourism; SWOT analysis; Köyceğiz; Ağla village

Pages: 154-169 | Full text

A study on measuring tourist consumers’ intentions to participate in unusual types of tourism

Authors: Defne EĞIRMEN, Buse KEKEÇ, Ali Turan BAYRAM, Gül ERKOL BAYRAM

Abstract: Tourists who are bored with the traditional understanding of vacation have entered into new searches. As a result of these searches, new types of tourism have emerged over time. These tourism types are gathered together under the title of alternative tourism. Alternative tourism types are known as tourism types that are shaped according to the tourism understanding of individuals. For this reason, the main purpose of this study is to determine the intention of tourists participating in tourism mobility to participate in extraordinary tourism types. Within the scope of the study, ten types of tourism characterized as extraordinary are discussed. The 408 participants who constitute the sample of the study were asked questions about whether they knew these types of tourism before and their participation intentions. The data were analyzed by applying the survey technique, which is one of the quantitative research methods. In the questionnaire prepared for the participants, information was given about what these tourism types include and how they are realized. The data obtained were subjected to frequency analysis. It was determined whether the participants knew which type of tourism before and whether they would participate or not. The data obtained as a result of the research were evaluated. Considering that consumers are interested in what is new and different, some suggestions have been developed.

Keywords: tourism; alternative tourism; extraordinary tourism type; touristic consumption behavior; intention to participate

Pages: 170-181 | Full text

Tourism trends of millennial tourists

Author: Hatice SARI GÖK

Abstract: Millennials are considered to cover individuals born between 1980-1996. This generation in literature is also described as the Internet Belt, Millennials, Echo Boomers, Generation Next, Nexters. The core values of this generation are innovation, independence, creativity, ambition and development. More egocentric than other generations, millennials are fond of brands, friends, entertainment and digital culture. Y-generation, a self-confident, educated generation, has a different perspective on business life, consumption style and social relations. In the next 10 years, millennials will make up 75% of the global workforce. It is estimated that vacation and travel will be an indispensable item for the Y generation. Therefore, it will reveal a number of opportunities for the travel and hospitality industry. There will also be differentiations in tourism trends for this generation, which prefers travel programs to have different experiences in travel and sightseeing preferences. Finally, examples of research on tourism trends among millennials (wellness tourism, camping, solo traveller, spiritual tourism and yoga vacations) were examined. This paper will contribute to literature in this subject and it can be said that this study has a quality that will lead to academic research and that it is a research that tourism sector can benefit from it.

Keywords: generation; millennial; millenials’ tourist behavior; millenials’ travel trends

Pages: 182-198 | Full text